Senior Living Facilities

Senior living facilities require specialized electrical services in order to ensure the safety of their residents. Commercial electrical services are an essential part of providing the necessary care and attention to seniors living in these facilities. Bret's Electric offers the best commercial electrical design and services for senior living facilities in Northern Colorado. Learn more below, and call for a free estimate.

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Customized for Your Facility

Commercial electrical services for senior living facilities are designed to meet the unique needs of these populations.Our specialized services include the installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical systems and components for the facility. This includes wiring, lighting, safety systems, and other electrical services.

Code & Safety Requirements

Commercial electrical services for senior living facilities are designed to ensure that the electrical systems are up to code and meet all safety regulations. This includes the installation of smoke detectors, fire alarms, and other safety systems. It also includes proper wiring for the facility and addressing any electrical issues that may arise.

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Preventative Maintenance

Additionally, commercial electrical services for senior living facilities also include preventative maintenance. This includes regular inspections to ensure that the electrical systems are functioning properly and that they are up to date with the latest safety regulations. In the event of an emergency, our services can provide quick and reliable assistance to the facility and residents.

Education for Staff

Commercial electrical services also provide education and training for the staff of senior living facilities. This includes teaching them how to properly use and maintain the electrical systems and components, as well as how to identify and address any potential issues. This training helps to ensure that the staff is prepared to handle any electrical problems that may arise.


Commercial electrical services for senior living facilities are essential to providing the highest level of safety and care for the seniors living in these facilities. Our local commercial electrical company can design and install the perfect electrical system for your needs. Call today.