Auto Dealership Electrician

Electricians For Your Auto Dealership

If your auto dealership is facing electrical troubles and needs help fast, you can turn to Bret's Electric, a commercial electrician that specializes in commercial electrical services. With our wide range of knowledge and expertise, Bret's Electric can quickly diagnose the problem and make the necessary repairs. From installing new systems to troubleshooting existing systems, Bret's Electric can provide your dealership with the electrical services you need to get back up and running. With our quick response time, experienced technicians, and competitive pricing, Bret's Electric is the perfect solution for your auto dealership's electrical troubles.


Facing car troubles that get on your nerves every time you are trying to go somewhere? Done spending money every week on motor service, but still, your car keeps making that weird sound? If you're looking for a good auto electrician in Frederick, we can help you.

At Bret's Electric, we offer a variety of electrical services for auto dealerships specifically. Contact our team today to learn more!

What Jobs Can a Commercial Auto Dealership Electrician Do?

Commercial auto dealership electricians have ample knowledge about circuits, panels, wiring, repair, and electrical maintenance. As a result, they can help keep your building running at peak efficiency and longer. We also carry specialist diagnostic equipment to detect flaws and issues with the building to be able to identify and solve many problems.

Bret's Electric Offers:

Power Outlets

We can install power outlets where you need them. If you need additional power outlets around your dealership, especially in the shop, then Bret's Electric has you covered.

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Commercial Outdoor and Indoor Lighting

Bret's Electric installs, repairs, and maintains many types of lighting from signs, to parking lots, bays, shops, and interior lights. We have proven knowledge and experience to keep all of your dealership's electrical lighting running smoothly.

Commercial Panel Repair

If you are experiencing panel issues, such as faulty breakers or blowing fuses, Bret's Electric can diagnose and repair the problem. We can also upgrade the panel or simply provide preventative maintenance.

Commercial Wiring

Commercial Electrical Wiring

Bret's Electric specializes in commercial electrical wiring services, including the installation, repair, and maintenance of wiring. With over 20 years of experience in the electrical industry, Bret's Electric has the knowledge and expertise to handle any electrical project. Our team of certified electricians can provide a variety of services, including wiring repairs, replacements, rewiring, and circuit installation. We are knowledgeable in working with a variety of electrical components, from outlets and light fixtures to industrial motors and data wiring. We take pride in providing quality services that meet or exceed industry safety standards. Bret's Electric is dedicated to providing excellent customer service and quality workmanship at an affordable price.

Here at Bret’s Electric, we provide you with the best team of experienced commercial auto dealership electricians to bring commercial electrical solutions to your auto dealership. No more need to look for an electrician in Northern Colorado; we’ve got you covered at Bret’s Electric!

Get in Touch!

Found yourself searching for an auto dealership electrician near Frederick? Get in touch with us today to discover the best services!

PO Box 950
Frederick, CO 80530

Phone: 720-494-8944
Fax: 720-494-9008

Contact Us